Payment-method icon

Pix Component

Add Pix to your existing iOS Components integration.

This page explains how to add Pix to your existing iOS Components integration to enable QR code payments.

When a shopper is ready to pay with Pix on your iOS app:

  1. The shopper chooses to pay with Pix on your iOS app.
  2. Your iOS app shows a QR code or QR code data for the shopper to copy.
  3. The shopper opens their banking or wallet app participating in Pix.
  4. The shopper selects Pix, scans the QR code or pastes QR code data, and then confirms the payment.


Select which endpoint you are using:

API reference

You do not need to send additional fields for Pix. To see optional fields that you can send for all payment methods, choose the endpoint you integrated:

Component configuration

v5.0.0 or later

If your integration uses iOS Components v5.0.0 or later, configure and create an instance of the Pix Component:


If your integration uses an earlier version of iOS Components:

There are no configuration steps specific to Pix required for Components.


You can refund a payment within 90 days after the payment in the Customer Area or via an API.

Test and go live

Pix is an asynchronous payment method. In the test environment, you can simulate a Pix payment by promoting the pending payment to a sale.

  1. Log in to your test Customer Area.
  2. Go to Transactions > Offers.
  3. Select the PSP reference of the pending Pix payment.
  4. Select the Promote this offer to a sale button.

Pix payments that have been paid (including test offers that you manually promoted to sale) are under Transactions > Payments.

Test the reconciliation process by promoting test payments from offer to sale in your test Customer Area.

Before you can accept live Pix payments, you need to submit a request for Pix in your live Customer Area.

See also