Payment-method icon

Walley Android Drop-in integration

Add Walley to an existing Drop-in integration.

If you are using Android Drop-in v5.0.0 or later:

This payment method requires no additional configuration.

Follow the Drop-in integration guide.

Adyen's Android Drop-in renders Walley in your payment form, and redirects the shopper to complete the payment.


The Android Drop-in integration works the same way for all payment methods. If you haven't done this integration yet, refer to our Drop-in integration guide.

Requirement Description
Integration type Make sure that you have built your Drop-in integration.

Walley for Android works with all versions of Drop-in.

Setup steps Before you begin, contact our Support Team to add Walley in your test Customer Area.

Show Walley in your payment form

Drop-in uses the countryCode and the amount.currency from your /paymentMethods request to show the available payment methods to your shopper. To show walley for business-to-consumer and walley_b2b for business-to-business in the list of available payment methods:

  1. Use the following table to specify parameters in a /paymentMethods request:

    Country/region countryCode amount.currency
    Denmark DK DKK
    Finland FI EUR
    Norway NO NOK
    Sweden SE SEK

Payments in Denmark (DK) or with the DKK currency are available only for B2C payments.

API response

After the shopper enters their payment details, Drop-in returns paymentComponentData.paymentMethod. Pass this to your server and make a payment request.

Make a payment

When the shopper proceeds to pay, Drop-in returns the paymentComponentData.paymentMethod.

  1. Pass the paymentComponentData.paymentMethod value to your server.

  2. From your server, make a /payments request, specifying:

    • paymentMethod: The paymentComponentData.paymentMethod from your client app. The API response contains paymentMethod.type: walley for business-to-consumer, and paymentMethod.type: walley_b2b for business-to-business.
    • returnURL: The URL the shopper is redirected to after they complete the payment. This URL can have a maximum of 1024 characters. Get this URL from the Component in the RedirectComponent.getReturnUrl(context).
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curl \
-H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_API_KEY' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"countryCode": "NO",
"shopperLocale": "no_NO",
"telephoneNumber": "+46 840 839 298",
"id":"Item #1",
"id":"Item #2",

API response

The /payments response includes the action object with information that you must use to redirect the shopper.

/payments response
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If your integration is set up correctly, the action object is passed from your server to the client.

Check the payment result

Drop-in redirects the shopper to complete the payment. When the shopper returns back to your app, Drop-in provides the actionComponentData object.

From your server, make a POST /payments/details request providing:

  • details: The actionComponentData.details object from Drop-in.
/payments/details request
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curl \
-H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_API_KEY' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"details": {
"redirectResult": "eyJ0cmFuc1N0YXR1cyI6IlkifQ=="

You receive a response containing:

  • resultCode: Use this to present the payment result to your shopper.
  • pspReference: Our unique identifier for the transaction.
/payments/details response
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"resultCode": "Authorised",
"pspReference": "PPKFQ89R6QRXGN82"

Show the payment result

  1. Use the resultCode that you received in the /payments/details response to present the payment result to your shopper.

You can receive the following resultCode values for Walley:

resultCode Description Action to take
Authorised The shopper completed their payment, and it has been sent to the bank for processing. In most cases, this means that you will receive the funds. If you are using manual capture, you also need to capture the payment. Inform the shopper that the payment has been successful.
Cancelled The shopper cancelled the payment while on their bank's website. Ask the shopper whether they want to continue with the order, or ask them to select a different payment method.
Error There was an error when the payment was being processed. Inform the shopper that there was an error processing their payment. The response contains a refusalReason, indicating the cause of the error.
Pending or
The shopper has completed the payment but the final result is not yet known. Inform the shopper that you have received their order, and are waiting for the payment to be completed.
You will receive the final result of the payment in an AUTHORISATION webhook.
Refused The payment was refused by the shopper's bank. Ask the shopper to try the payment again using a different payment method.

You also receive the outcome of the payment asynchronously in a webhook. If the shopper failed to return to your website or app, wait for notification webhooks to know the outcome of the payment. You can receive the following notification webhooks for Walley:

eventCode success field Description Action to take
AUTHORISATION false The transaction failed. Cancel the order and inform the shopper that the payment failed.
AUTHORISATION true The shopper successfully completed the payment. Inform the shopper that the payment has been successful and proceed with the order.

Test and go live

You can perform the test scenarios described on Walley's technical documentation using Adyen's /payments endpoint. Consider the following:

  • Include the CivRegNo as the socialSecurityNumber.
  • When testing a Walley B2B transaction, provide the company information as shown in the following example:
    Copy code
    "company": {
    "name": "Adyen N.V.",
    "registrationNumber": "5562000116"

Check the status of Walley verification payments in your Customer Area > Transactions > Payments.

See also