Payment-method icon

Afterpay Redirect Component

Add Afterpay to an existing Components integration.

If you are using Android Components v5.0.0 or later:

This payment method requires no additional configuration.

Follow the Components integration guide and use the following module and Component names:

You can use our Redirect Component to handle the redirect to Afterpay.

When adding Afterpay to your existing Components integration, you also need to:

  1. Show Afterpay in your payment form.
  2. Collect shopper details, and specify these in your payment request. Afterpay uses these for risk checks.
  3. Provide information about the purchased items in your payment request.
  4. Handle the redirect result when the shopper returns to your website.


Requirement Description
Integration type Make sure that you have built an Advanced flow Android Components integration.
Setup steps Before you begin, add Afterpay in your Customer Area.

Show Afterpay in your payment form

Include Afterpay in the list of available payment methods, and collect the required shopper details:

  1. Specify in your /paymentMethods request one of the following combinations of countryCode and amount.currency:

    Country/region countryCode amount.currency
    Australia AU AUD
    New Zealand NZ NZD
    Canada CA CAD

    The response contains paymentMethod.type: afterpaytouch.

  2. Collect the following shopper details:

    • Full name
    • Email address
    • Billing address and delivery address.
    Afterpay uses these information for risk checks.

We provide an Afterpay logo which you can use on your payment form. For more information, refer to Downloading logos.

Make a payment

  1. When the shopper proceeds to pay, make a /payments request from your server, specifying:

    • paymentMethod.type: set this to afterpaytouch to redirect to Afterpay.

    • shopperName: the shopper's full name. 

    • shopperEmail: the shopper's email address.  

    • telephoneNumber

      : the shopper's phone number.

    • billingAddress: the postal address to be included on the invoice. 

    • deliveryAddress: the postal address where the goods will be shipped.

    • lineItems: price and product information about the purchased items.  

    • returnURL: URL to where the shopper should be redirected back to after they complete the payment. Get this URL from the Component in the RedirectComponent.getReturnUrl(context).

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    curl \
    -H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_API_KEY' \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "paymentMethod`paymentComponentData.paymentMethod` from Drop-in":{
    "telephoneNumber":"+61 2 8520 3890",
    "street":"Happy Street"
    "street":"Happy Street"
    "amountExcludingTax": "331",
    "taxAmount": "69",
    "id":"Item #1"
    "amountExcludingTax": "248",
    "taxAmount": "52",
    "id":"Item #2"

    The /payments response includes the action object with information that you must use to redirect the shopper.

    /payments response
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  2. Pass the action object to your client app. You need this to initialize the Redirect Component.

Handle the redirect

  1. Use the Redirect Component to redirect the shopper to Afterpay.

  2. After the shopper returns to your app, make a POST /payments/details request from your server, providing:

    • details: The actionComponentData.details object from the Redirect Component.
/payments/details request
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curl \
-H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_API_KEY' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"details": {
"redirectResult": "eyJ0cmFuc1N0YXR1cyI6IlkifQ=="

You receive a response containing:

  • resultCode: Use this to present the payment result to your shopper.
  • pspReference: Our unique identifier for the transaction.
/payments/details response
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"resultCode": "Authorised",
"pspReference": "PPKFQ89R6QRXGN82"

Present the payment result

Use the resultCode that you received in the /payments/details response to present the payment result to your shopper.

The resultCode values you can receive for Afterpay are:

resultCode Description Action to take
Authorised The payment was successful. Inform the shopper that the payment was successful.
Cancelled The shopper cancelled the payment. Ask the shopper whether they want to continue with the order, or ask them to select a different payment method.
Pending or
The shopper has completed the payment but the final result is not yet known. It may take minutes or hours to confirm this. Inform the shopper that you have received their order, and are waiting for the payment to be completed.
To know the final result of the payment, wait for the AUTHORISATION webhook.
Refused The payment was refused by Afterpay. Ask the shopper to try the payment again using a different payment method.

If the shopper failed to return to your website or app, wait for webhooks to know the outcome of the payment:

eventCode success field Description Action to take
AUTHORISATION false The transaction failed. Cancel the order and inform the shopper that the payment failed.
AUTHORISATION true The shopper successfully completed the payment. Inform the shopper that the payment was successful and proceed with the order.

Capture the payment

Depending on your merchant account configuration, Afterpay payments are captured automatically after authorisation, or manually captured.

If you prefer to capture the payment after the goods have been sent, or if you want to partially capture payments, you need to set up a capture delay or use manual capture. When you use manual capture, Afterpay payments have to be captured within 13 days after authorisation.

During authorisation, the shopper is charged for the first installment. If the payment isn't captured within 13 days, before the second installment, Afterpay cancels the payment and refunds the first installment to the shopper.

For testing purposes, Afterpay authorisations expire in one day. When you use manual capture, you need to capture test Afterpay payments within one day after authorisation.

Partial captures

To partially capture a payment, in your  /payments/{paymentPspReference}/captures request specify:

  • modificationAmount: the amount that the shopper should pay. 
  • additionalData.openinvoicedata:
    price and product information for the items that the shopper should pay for.

Although the field names are different, the information in additionalData.openinvoicedata is the same as what you provided in lineItems when making a payment request:

openinvoicedata lineItems Description
itemAmount amountExcludingTax The price for one item, without the tax, in minor units.
itemVatAmount taxAmount The tax amount for one item, in minor units.

The following example shows how to make a partial capture request if the shopper only kept one pair of socks from the two included in the original payment request.

/capture request
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Any unclaimed amount that is left over after partially capturing a payment is automatically cancelled. When your account is enabled for multiple partial captures, the unclaimed amount after an initial capture is not automatically cancelled.

To set up multiple partial captures, contact our Support Team. Multiple partial captures will create a new invoice for each capture. 

Refunds and cancellations

If a payment has not yet been captured, you can cancel it. If a payment has already been captured and you want to return the funds to the shopper, you need to refund the payment.

Partial refunds

To partially refund a payment, in your /payments/{paymentPspReference}/refunds request specify:

  • modificationAmount: the amount to be refunded to the shopper.
  • additionalData.openinvoicedata:
    price and product information about the returned items.

Providing additionalData.openinvoicedata is optional, and although the field names are different, the information is the same as what you provided in lineItems when making a payment request:

openinvoicedata lineItems Description
itemAmount amountExcludingTax The price for one item, without the tax, in minor units.
itemVatAmount taxAmount The tax amount for one item, in minor units.

The following example shows how to make a partial refund request if the shopper returned the shoes included in the original payment request.

/refund request
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To offer discounts, your payment request must include the negative amount to be added to the original price. The following example shows how to specify a discount of 1 AUD on Item #2:

Copy code
"description":"Test Afterpay 1",
"id":"Item #1"
"description":"Test Afterpay 2",
"id":"Item #2"
"id":"Item #2 Discount"

Test and go live

To test Afterpay payments, you need a test shopper account in the Afterpay sandbox environment. If you are testing in multiple countries or regions, create a different test account for each.

To create a test account:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter a real email address and select Continue. You'll get confirmations of payments and refunds like any other shopper on this email address.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select the country/region for which you want to create a test shopper account. Select Australia, New Zealand, US, or Canada.
  4. Enter any mobile telephone number that is formatted correctly, and select Continue. Check the input box for hints on the format. The phone number won't be used.
  5. When you are prompted to enter your SMS verification code, enter 111111.
  6. Follow the instructions on your screen to complete your profile, accept the terms and conditions, and select Continue.

To test payments, add a test card to your Afterpay test shopper account.

You can use the card details provided in the Afterpay developer documentation, or use one of the Adyen test cards. Use CVV 000 to simulate authorised payments, or CVV 051 to simulate refused payments.

You can check the status of test payments in your Customer Area > Transactions > Payments.

Before you can accept live Afterpay payments, you need to submit a request for Afterpay in your live Customer Area.

See also