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Walley Drop-in integration

Add Walley to an existing Drop-in integration.

This page explains how to add Walley to your existing Web Drop-in integration.


Requirement Description
Integration type Make sure that you have built your Drop-in integration.

Walley for Web requires at least v3.23.0 of Drop-in.

Setup steps Before you begin, contact our Support Team to add Walley in your test Customer Area.

API reference

You must include the following fields when making a /sessions request:

Parameter name Required Description
telephoneNumber -white_check_mark- The shopper's telephone number.
You must collect a working mobile phone number (including country code) from the customer. Incorrect or missing numbers will fail Walley's validation.
shopperEmail -white_check_mark- The shopper's email address. -white_check_mark- The name of the company making the payment. This will be prefilled and presented to the shopper on Walley's payment form. Only required for walley_b2b payments.
company.registrationNumber Only relevant to business-to-business payments. The registration number of the company making the payment. -white_check_mark- The ID of the line item.
lineItems.description -white_check_mark- A description of the line item. Maximum length: 50 characters.
lineItems.amountExcludingTax -white_check_mark- The item amount excluding the tax, in minor units.
lineItems.taxAmount -white_check_mark- The tax amount, in minor units.
lineItems.taxPercentage -white_check_mark- The tax percentage, in minor units.
lineItems.quantity -white_check_mark- The number of items.

Drop-in configuration

There are no configuration steps specific to Walley required for Drop-in.

Test and go live

You can perform the test scenarios described on Walley's technical documentation using Adyen's /payments endpoint. Consider the following:

  • Include the CivRegNo as the socialSecurityNumber.
  • When testing a Walley B2B transaction, provide the company information as shown in the following example:
    Copy code
    "company": {
    "name": "Adyen N.V.",
    "registrationNumber": "5562000116"

Check the status of Walley verification payments in your Customer Area > Transactions > Payments.

See also