Payment-method icon

Pay by Bank (Europe) Component integration

Add Pay by Bank (Europe) to an existing Components integration.

This page explains how to add Pay by Bank (Europe) to your existing Web Components integration.


Select the server-side flow that your integration uses:

Requirement Description
Integration type Make sure that you have built a Sessions flow Web Components integration.
The minimum required version is 5.70.0.
Setup steps Before you begin, contact our Support Team to add Pay by Bank (Europe) in your Customer Area.

Import resources for v6

If you are using Web Components v6, import the Component that you need for Pay by Bank (Europe):

Copy code
import { AdyenCheckout, PayByBank } from '@adyen/adyen-web'

API reference

Select which endpoint you are using:

This is the default with Components v5.0.0 or later.

Parameter name Required Description
countryCode -white_check_mark- The shopper's country/region. This is used to filter the list of available payment methods to your shopper.
Format: the two-letter ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Exception: QZ (Kosovo).

Component configuration

Step 1: Create a DOM element

Create a DOM element on your checkout page, placing it where you want the payment method form to be rendered:

Copy code
 <div id="paybybank-container"></div>

Step 2: Create an instance of the Component

v6.0.0 or later

Create an instance of the Component, passing:

  • Your instance of AdyenCheckout.
Copy code
const openBanking = new PayByBank(checkout).mount('#paybybank-container');

Use the create method of your AdyenCheckout instance, in this case checkout, to create the Component:

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const openBankingComponent = checkout.create('paybybank').mount('#paybybank-container');

Optional configuration

You can optionally configure your payment form to include a list of issuing banks for Pay by Bank (Europe).

In some regions, like Germany, there are so many banks that you cannot show a list of issuing banks. Shoppers are redirected to our open banking partner Tink to select their bank.

In other regions, like the United Kingdom, you can let shoppers pre-select their bank before redirecting them to Tink, by showing the list of issuing banks in your payment form. If you do not show the list of issuing banks, shoppers select their bank after being redirected to Tink.

In markets where issuer selection is supported, you can use the following optional configuration to show the list of issuing banks:

Parameter name Description Default
showImage Set to false to remove the bank logos from the Pay by Bank form. true
issuer Set to an issuer ID to preselect a specific bank. No bank is preselected.
highlightedIssuers Set to the issuer IDs for banks you want to show on top of the dropdown menu. Added in v5.1.0 All issuers are shown in the dropdown.
placeholder The string you want to show as the dropdown menu text. Custom translation configuration overrides this value. Select your bank

If you want to add optional configuration, include this in a configuration object. The following example shows how to configure the Pay by Bank Component to remove the bank logos, and preselect Bank of Scotland:

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const openBankingConfiguration = {
showImage: false, // Optional. Set to **false** to remove the bank logos from the Pay by Bank form.
issuer: "uk-bankofscotland-oauth2" // Optional. Set this to an **id** of an open banking issuer to preselect it.

v6.0.0 or later

Create an instance of the Component, passing:

  • Your instance of AdyenCheckout.
  • The payment method-specific configuration.
Copy code
const openBankingComponent = new PayByBank(checkout, openBankingConfiguration).mount('#paybybank-container');

Use the create method of your AdyenCheckout instance, in this case checkout, to create an instance of the Component. Add the configuration object if you created one.

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const openBankingComponent = checkout.create('paybybank', openBankingConfiguration).mount('#paybybank-container');

List of issuer IDs

For the UK, where you can show the issuer list in the payment form, the list may include the following banks:

Bank name Issuer ID
Tink Demo Bank uk-demobank-open-banking-handoff
Tink Demo Bank uk-demobank-open-banking-redirect
Tink Demo Bank uk-demobank-open-banking-redirect-aispis

Recurring payments

We support recurring transactions for Pay by Bank (Europe) through SEPA Direct Debit.

We strongly recommend that you ask explicit permission from the shopper if you intend to make future recurring payments. Being transparent about the payment schedule and the charged amount reduces the risk of chargebacks.

To make recurring payments, you need to:

  1. Create a shopper token.
  2. Use the token to make future payments for the shopper.

Create a token

We strongly recommend that you request explicit permission from the shopper if you intend to make recurring SEPA payments. Being transparent about the payment schedule and the charged amount reduces the risk of chargebacks.

To create a token, include in your /payments request:

  • amount: The transaction must have a minimum value of EUR 0.01.
  • storePaymentMethod: true
  • shopperReference: your unique identifier for the shopper (minimum length three characters). Do not include personally identifiable information (PII), such as name or email address.
  • recurringProcessingModel: Subscription or UnscheduledCardOnFile

    From Checkout v70, recurringProcessingModel is a required parameter when creating or using a token.

When the payment is settled, you receive a RECURRING_CONTRACT webhook containing:

  • originalReference: The pspReference of the initial payment.
  • pspReference: This is the token that you need to make recurring payments for this shopper.

Make sure that your server is able to receive RECURRING_CONTRACT as part of your standard webhooks. You can enable the RECURRING_CONTRACT event code in the webhook settings page.

Make a payment with a token

For each recurring payment for this shopper, make a SEPA payment to the /payments endpoint, specifying:

For more information about the shopperInteraction and recurringProcessingModel fields, refer to Tokenization.

Expand view
Copy link to code block
Copy code
Copy code
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_API_KEY' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"recurringProcessingModel": "Subscription"

If the payment was successfully received the response will contain a Received resultCode and a pspReference, which is our unique identifier for this transaction. You can track whether the payment was successful using webhooks.

Test and go live

We recommend that you test various scenarios, such as approved payments, authentication errors, and payments cancelled by the shopper. See the Tink documentation for screenshots that can help you navigate the flow. You can check the status of test payments in your Customer Area > Transactions > Payments.

Before you can accept live Pay by Bank (Europe) payments, you need to add Pay by Bank (Europe) in your live Customer Area.

Test credentials

Use the relevant test credentials and test issuer IDs, where available.


For the UK, where you can show the issuer list in the payment form, use the following test issuer IDs:

Bank name Issuer ID
Tink Demo Bank uk-demobank-open-banking-handoff
Tink Demo Bank uk-demobank-open-banking-redirect
Tink Demo Bank uk-demobank-open-banking-redirect-aispis

When you send a test payment and are redirected to our open banking partner Tink, log in with the following test credentials for the UK:

Scenario Username Password
Approved u83646180 rlf446
Authentication error u92721594 nbs589
Temporary error u91902655 jtx720

For an Approved test scenario, you will see two checking accounts. Select the first checking account (ending in 285) for payment amounts greater than GBP 150, or the second checking account (ending in 327) for amounts less than GBP 150.


When you send a test payment and are redirected to our open banking partner Tink, log in with the following test credentials for Germany:

Scenario Username Password
Approved u83188312 zhx571
Authentication error u92721594 nbs589
Temporary error u91902655 jtx720


When you send a test payment and are redirected to our open banking partner Tink, log in with the following test credentials for France:

Scenario Username Password
Approved u77894411 mzw990
Authentication error u92721594 nbs589
Temporary error u91902655 jtx720


When you send a test payment and are redirected to our open banking partner Tink, log in with the following test credentials for Finland:

Scenario Username Password
Approved u06516046 kam413
Authentication error u92721594 nbs589
Temporary error u91902655 jtx720

See also