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Enhanced scheme data

Get lower fees on US domestic card payments with enhanced scheme data.

Enhanced scheme data (ESD) is optional additional data that you can send with your payment or capture request. ESD lets shoppers see additional information about their purchase on their card statement and use this information for reporting purposes.

The most common ESD type is level 2/3 data. For some industries, the kind of ESD you can include in your requests are industry-specific.

For Visa and Mastercard, ESD can lower your interchange fees by up to 1 percent for US domestic transactions. You can also send ESD to American Express for fraud protection and reporting, but there is no financial incentive for this. Sending ESD does not affect authorization rates.

How it works

You can send ESD for both online and in-person payments.

There are two ways to send ESD to Adyen:

  • In the  additionalData  object of a  /payments request. If you are not eligible to submit ESD, or if the ESD you send is incomplete or invalid, Adyen processes the payment without ESD.
  • In the  additionalData  object of a /capture request. You can only send ESD in your capture request if you do not use automatic capture. For partial captures, send enhanced scheme data in the captures request. If you send incomplete or invalid data in a capture request, it will be rejected. You can fix and resend the capture request.

To see the additional data in your response, enable the additional data settings in your Customer Area > Developers > Additional data. Contact our Support Team if you need to check whether the ESD you send is complete and valid.

See types and industries to learn about the type of ESD you can send depending on the industry you operate in. You cannot combine different types of ESD, for example, you can send either level 2/3 data or airline data, but not both for one request.

Types and industries

The type of ESD you can send depends on the industry you operate in. You can send level 2/3 ESD data if you do not process under any of the airline, car rental, lodging, or temporary services Merchant category codes (MCC). The table below shows the MCCs that must send industry-specific ESD.

MCC Description Scheme ESD type
3000-3350 Airlines Mastercard, Visa Airline
4511 Airlines and air carriers Mastercard, Visa Airline
4722 Travel agencies and tour operators * Mastercard, Visa Airline
3351-3599 Automobile/vehicle rental Mastercard, Visa Car rental
7512 Automobile rental agency Mastercard, Visa Car rental
7513 Automobile/vehicle rental Mastercard, Visa Car rental
7519 Automobile/vehicle rental Mastercard Car rental
7361 Temporary services Mastercard Temporary services
3501-3999 Hotels/motels Mastercard, Visa Lodging
7011 Lodging – hotels, motels, resorts Mastercard, Visa Lodging

* If you have this MCC, you are expected to get the interchange fees discount for Mastercard payments without sending airline data.

Merchants processing payments under some other MCCs also cannot send level 2/3 ESD. Do not send level 2/3 ESD for Mastercard or Visa payments if you have one of the following MCCs:

  • 4112 - Passenger Railways
  • 5812 - Eating Places and Restaurants

Do not send level 2/3 ESD for Visa payments if you have one of the following MCCs:

  • 4411 - Steamship and Cruise Lines
  • 5814 - Fast Food Restaurants

Send ESD