Payment-method icon

Apple Pay Component integration

Add Apple Pay to an existing Components integration.

This page explains how to add Apple Pay to your existing React-Native Components integration.


Requirement Description
Integration type Make sure that you have built an Advanced flow React-Native Components integration.
API credential roles To process live Apple Pay payments make sure that you have the following role
  • API Clientside Encryption Payments role.
Setup steps Before you begin, make sure that you have:

API reference

You do not need to send additional fields for Apple Pay. See the /payments endpoint API reference for the optional fields you can send.

If you run into an error, refer to Handle Apple Pay errors.

Component configuration

When you create configuration object for AdyenCheckout, you must add additional properties for Apple Pay.

Property Description
merchantID Your Apple Pay merchant identifier.
merchantName Your merchant name. This is used to generate PKPaymentSummaryItem .
Configure Apple Pay
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const configuration: Configuration = {
environment: 'test', // When you're ready to accept real payments, change the value to a suitable live environment.
clientKey: 'YOUR_CLIENT_KEY',
returnUrl: 'your-app://',
countryCode: 'NL',
amount: {
currency: 'EUR',
value: 1000
applepay: {

Optional configuration

You can optionally include the following properties when you configure AdyenCheckout:

Property Description
allowOnboarding Set to true to let the shopper add new cards to their Apple Pay wallet if there are none or if their cards are not supported for the payment.
By default this is set to false, and Apple Pay isn't shown as an available payment method if there are no cards in their Apple Pay wallet.
summaryItems An array of the items included in the purchase that summarize the payment amount. The last item must have the same value as the amount you send in your /payments request.
requiredShippingContactFields Shipping information fields that you require from the shopper to fulfill the order. Refer to Apple Pay documentation for sample values.
requiredBillingContactFields Billing information fields that you require from the shopper to process the transaction. Refer to Apple Pay documentation for sample values.
billingContact A prefilled billing address.
shippingContact A prefilled shipping address.
shippingType The type of shipping displayed, for example Pick Up, Ship To, or Deliver To. This is localized.
Default: PKShippingTypeShipping = .shipping.
supportedCountries Specify the ISO 3166 country codes if you only support payments from cards issued in specific countries.
shippingMethods List of available methods for shipping physical goods. Refer to Apple Pay documentation for sample values.
recurringPaymentRequest Required for recurring payments to specify that the payment is a recurring payment. Corresponds to PKRecurringPaymentRequest .

Create a way, like a button, for AdyenCheckout to call the start function.

Create a way to start the Component
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import { useAdyenCheckout } from '@adyen/react-native';
// Set your View to use AdyenCheckout as the context.
const YourCheckoutView = () => {
const { start } = useAdyenCheckout();
return (
// Create a way, like a checkout button, that starts the Component.
// Pass in the paymentMethod.type from the /paymentMethods response.
onPress={() => { start('applepay'); }} />

Recurring payments

To enable recurring payments, you must include recurringPaymentRequest when configuring Apple Pay, and include the recurring payment properties.

To make recurring Apple Pay payments, you have to create a shopper token and then make subsequent recurring transactions with the token.

Recurring payment properties

In the recurringPaymentRequest property, include the following:

Property Required Description
paymentDescription -white_check_mark- The description of the recurring payment that Apple Pay shows to the user in the payment sheet.
regularBilling -white_check_mark- The regular billing cycle for the recurring payment, including start and end dates, an interval, and an interval count.
managementURL -white_check_mark- A URL to a web page where the user can update or delete the payment method for the recurring payment.
trialBilling If the recurring payment has a trial period, the trial billing cycle for the recurring payment.
tokenNotificationURL A URL you provide for receiving lifecycle updates from Apple Pay about the merchant token, for example, when the card issuer or the user deletes the merchant token.
billingAgreement A localized billing agreement that the payment sheet shows to the user before the user authorizes the payment.

For example:

Configure Apple Pay for recurring payments
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const configuration = {
environment: 'test',
clientKey: 'YOUR_CLIENT_KEY',
// Your other configurations...
applepay: {
// Your other optional Apple Pay configurations...
recurringPaymentRequest: {
description: 'My subscription'
regularBilling: {
amount: 1000,
label: 'Monthly subscription payment',
intervalCount: 1,
intervalUnit: 'month',
startDate: new Date('2025-04-28'),
managementURL: ''

Test and go live

Use Apple's test card numbers to test your integration.

For a full list of test cards and instructions how to add these to your test device, see Sandbox testing on Apple's Developer website.

Check the status of an Apple Pay test payment in your Customer Area > Transactions >  Payments.

Going live

To process live Apple Pay payments, your API credential needs to have the API Clientside Encryption Payments role. You can check this in your live Customer Area or ask your Admin user to verify.

Set up Apple Pay on your Apple Pay Developer account for your live merchant identifier.

See also