Payment-method icon

Android Component

This page explains how to add Cash App Pay to your existing Android Components integration.

If you are using Android Components v5.0.0 or later:

This payment method requires no additional configuration.

Follow the Components integration guide and use the following module and Component names:

If you have an existing Android Components integration, you can use our Redirect Component to redirect the shopper to complete the payment. As with other redirect payment methods, you need to handle the redirect after the shopper returns to your app.


Requirement Description
Integration type Make sure that you have built an Advanced flow Android Components integration.
The minimum required version is 4.12.0.
Setup steps Before you begin:

Set up the Cash App Pay Component

  1. Import the Cash App Pay Component to your build.gradle file.

    implementation "com.adyen.checkout:cashapppay:<latest-version>"

    For the latest version, refer to our GitHub.

  2. Build a client-side configuration of the Cash App Pay Component.

    val cashAppPayConfiguration =
    CashAppPayConfiguration.Builder(shopperLocale, environment, clientKey)
        // mandatory configuration
  3. Add the Component view to your layout. You will attach the initialized component to this view when collecting payment details.

        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
  4. Add an IntentFilter to the Activity that will handle the returnUrl specified in your configuration and your /payments request.

           <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
           <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
           <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
           <data android:host="${applicationId}" android:scheme="adyencheckout"/>

    The ${applicationId} will be replaced with at build time.

Optional configuration

You can add the following optional configuration:

Parameter name Description Default
setShowStorePaymentField Set to false if you do not want to show a toggle that lets the shopper choose whether to save their payment details. true
setStorePaymentMethod Set to true to save the shopper's payment details without showing a toggle. For example, use this for a page where the shopper enters their details for a subscription service that charges the shopper on a recurring basis.
Set setShowStorePaymentField to false if you use this.

Collect payment details

In this step, we use the client-side Component to send the shopper to the Cash App Pay app to authorize the payment.

  1. Deserialize the /paymentMethods response with the SERIALIZER object.

    val paymentMethodsApiResponse = PaymentMethodsApiResponse.SERIALIZER.deserialize(paymentMethodsResponse)
  2. From the result, get the object containing paymentMethods.type: cashapp.

  3. Initialize an instance of the Component. To do this, you need to call PROVIDER.get from the Cash App Pay Component and pass the following:

    • The context (for example, FRAGMENT_OR_ACTIVITY)
    • The PaymentMethod object (for example, paymentMethod)
    • The cashappConfiguration object
    val cashAppPayComponent = CashAppPayComponent.PROVIDER.get(FRAGMENT_OR_ACTIVITY, paymentMethod, cashAppPayConfiguration)
  4. Attach the Component to the view to start getting your shopper's payment details. You need to call attach from the payment method's Component view and pass in:

    • the cashappComponent
    • the context (for example, FRAGMENT_OR_ACTIVITY)
    cashAppPayView.attach(cashAppPayComponent, FRAGMENT_OR_ACTIVITY)
  5. Add the Cash App Pay button. When the shopper clicks the button, call cashAppPayComponent.submit(). The Cash App Pay app will launch for the shopper to approve the payment.

  6. You start receiving updates when the shopper completes an action in their Cash App Pay app. Check if isValid is true, and if the shopper proceeds to pay, pass the to your server.

    cashappComponent.observe(this@FRAGMENT_OR_ACTIVITY) { state ->
        if (state?.isValid == true) {
            //serialize data
            val paymentComponentData = PaymentComponentData.SERIALIZER.serialize(
            // When the shopper proceeds to pay, pass the serialized `` to your server to send a /payments request

Make a payment

When the shopper proceeds to pay:

  1. From your server, make a POST /payments request, specifying:

    • paymentMethod.type: Set this to cashapp.
    • returnUrl: URL to where the shopper should be redirected back to after they complete the payment. Get this URL from the Component in the CashAppPayComponent.getReturnUrl(context).
  2. In the /payments response, note the following:

    • pspReference: Our unique identifier for the transaction.
    • resultCode: Use this to show the payment result to your shopper.
    • merchantReference: The reference from the /payments request.

Show the payment result

Use theĀ  resultCode from the /payments/details response to show the payment result to your shopper. You will also receive the outcome of the payment asynchronously in a webhook.

For Cash App Pay payments, you can receive the following resultCode values:

resultCode Description Action to take
Received The shopper has completed the payment but the final result is not yet known. Inform the shopper that you have received their order, and are waiting for the payment to be completed.
You will receive an AUTHORISATION webhook when the status of the payment is updated.
Authorised The payment was successful. Inform the shopper that the payment has been successful.
If you are using manual capture, you also need to capture the payment.
Cancelled The shopper cancelled the payment. Ask the shopper whether they want to continue with the order, or ask them to select a different payment method.
Error There was an error when the payment was being processed. For more information, check the refusalReason field. Inform the shopper that there was an error processing their payment.
Refused The payment was refused. For more information, check the refusalReason field. Ask the shopper to try the payment again using a different payment method.

Recurring payments

Cash App Pay supports tokenization of the shopper's payment details for recurring transactions.

We strongly recommend that you ask explicit permission from the shopper if you intend to make future recurring payments. Being transparent about the payment schedule and the amount reduces the risk of chargebacks.

Create a token

To store a shopper's Cash App Pay details, set setShowStorePaymentField to true when adding the Cash App Pay Component. This shows a toggle that lets the shopper choose whether to save their payment details. You can also store the details automatically by setting setstorePaymentMethod to true and setShowStorePaymentField to false in the Component configuration.

If the shopper chooses to save their details when making a payment, the observe method from the Component includes a Pass this to your server.

To create a token, include in your /payments request:

  • storePaymentMethod: The from your client app.
  • shopperReference: Your unique identifier for the shopper.

Get the shopper's $cashtag

We recommend making sure that your recurring payments include the shopper's $cashtag. The $cashtag makes it easier for the shopper to recognize the recurring payment as a legitimate one. This helps to avoid chargebacks.

  1. Make a POST /payments/details request. For instructions, see Send additional payment details.
  2. From the /payments/details response, save the following additionalData details:

    Parameter Description
    additionalData.cashapp.cashtag The shopper's $cashtag.
    additionalData.recurring.shopperReference The shopper reference you specified in the payment request.
    additionalData.recurring.recurringDetailReference The token that was generated through the payment request.

    Note that the RECURRING_CONTRACT webhook also includes the shopper reference and the recurring detail reference, but not the $cashtag.

Make a payment with a token

When the shopper selects to pay, the Component calls the onSubmit event, which contains a

  1. Pass the to your server.

  2. From your server, make a /payments request, specifying:

    • The parameters required for one-off or recurring tokenized payments. For instructions, see Tokenization.
    • paymentMethod: The from the onSubmit event.

    To make it easier for the shopper to recognize the recurring payment as a legitimate one, optionally include:

    • paymentMethod.cashtag: the shoppers $cashtag.