Payment-method icon

DuitNow Component

Add DuitNow to an existing Components integration.

On this page, you can find additional configuration for adding DuitNow to your Components integration.

Before you begin

Before adding DuitNow to your existing Web Components integration:

import { AdyenCheckout, DuitNow } from '@adyen/adyen-web'

API reference

You don't need to send additional fields for DuitNow. To see optional fields that you can send for all payment methods, choose the endpoint you integrated:

Component configuration

Step 1: Create a DOM element

Create a DOM element on your checkout page, placing it where you want the payment method form to be rendered:

 <div id="duitnow-container"></div>

Step 2: Create an instance of the Component

v6.0.0 or later

Create an instance of the Component, passing:

  • Your instance of AdyenCheckout.
const duitnow = new DuitNow(checkout).mount('#duitnow-container');

Use the create method of your AdyenCheckout instance, in this case checkout, to create the Component:

const duitnowComponent = checkout.create('duitnow').mount('#duitnow-container');

Test and go live

Test DuitNow payments with real payment details and small amounts.

Check the status of your test DuitNow payments in your Customer Area > Transactions > Payments.

To accept live DuitNow payments, you must contact our Support Team to add DuitNow in your live Customer Area.

See also