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Bank Transfer for API only

Add Bank Transfer to an existing API-only integration.

Accept Bank Transfer payments using our APIs, and build your own payment form to have full control over the look and feel of your checkout page.


Requirement Description
Integration type Make sure that you have built an API only integration.
Webhooks Make sure that you have configured standard webhooks.
Setup steps Before you begin, contact our Support Team to add Bank Transfer in your Customer Area.
Also tell them what type of value you want us to generate as the reference that shoppers need to use on their bank transfer: a short version of the transaction's PSP reference, or the reference from your payment request.

Build your payment form

  1. In your POST /paymentMethods request, use:

  2. When you receive the /paymentMethods response, note the object for Bank Transfer:

    • name: Bank Transfer. Use this to show the payment method in your payment form.
    • type: bankTransfer_IBAN. Use this in your payment request as the paymentMethod.type.
  3. Make sure that when shoppers select Bank Transfer, you obtain their email address or other contact details so that you can inform them when their transfer is completed.

Make a payment

  1. Make a /payments request, specifying:

    Parameter Required Description
    paymentMethod.type -white_check_mark- bankTransfer_IBAN
    returnUrl -white_check_mark- Your URL, with a maximum of 1024 characters. The shopper will not be redirected to their bank and then back to your site. However, this is a required parameter so you must specify it regardless.
    countryCode The shopper's country/region. Format: the two-letter ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
    This is used to return a virtual bank account number and other parameters required for bank transfers in the shopper's country/region.
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    curl \
    -H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_API_KEY' \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "countryCode": "DE",
  2. In the /payments response, note the action object. This contains the transfer details that you need to present to the shopper, so that the shopper can copy those to their bank transfer instruction.

    Save the following transfer details:

    Parameter Description
    beneficiary Your Doing Business As (DBA) name. This is the static part of the transaction description defined in your Customer Area. Any dynamic transaction description specified in payment requests is ignored.
    iban and bic The virtual bank account details for EUR transactions, consisting of the IBAN and the BIC.
    accountNumber and routingNumber The virtual bank account details for USD transactions, consisting of the account number and the routing number.
    totalAmount.currency and totalAmount.value The currency and amount of the transaction.
    reference An automatically generated value, either a short version of the transaction's PSP reference, or the reference from the payment request. Our Support Team can configure your preference when you ask them to add Bank Transfer in your Customer Area, but this cannot be changed later.
    /payments response for a EUR transaction
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Present the transfer details

  1. Using the action object parameters from the /payments response, present the details that the shopper must specify when they initiate the bank transfer in their (online or mobile) banking environment.
  2. Ensure that in addition to the transfer details, you also present:
    • Instructions for the shopper about what to do.
    • An explanation of what will happen next. For example, how you are going to confirm their payment, and when you are going to fulfill their order.

Confirm payment

The bank transfer payment stays Open until funds arrive in the virtual bank account. When the funds arrive, the payment status is updated to Settled or SettledAcquirer.

We inform you of changes in the payment status using AUTHORISATION webhooks. You can also view the status of bank transfer payments in your live Customer Area.

To confirm payment:

  1. Check that you have received an AUTHORISATION webhook that confirms that the funds have arrived. This webhook includes:

    • The pspReference from the /payments response.
    • paymentMethod: bankTransfer_IBAN
    • success: true
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  2. Contact the shopper to inform them that the payment is complete.

Recurring payments

Bank Transfer supports tokenization of the shopper's payment details for recurring transactions.

We strongly recommend that you ask explicit permission from the shopper if you intend to make future recurring payments. Being transparent about the payment schedule and the amount reduces the risk of chargebacks.

To make recurring payments, refer to Tokenization to:

  • Create a token through the initial payment.
  • Use the token in subsequent payments.
  • Manage tokens.

Recurring transactions in EUR are processed as SEPA Direct Debit transactions. This means that in the tokenized subsequent payments you must specify:

Test and go live

You can test Bank Transfer payments in the test environment by simulating a transfer of funds:

  1. Make a test payment as described above.
  2. In your test Customer Area go to Transactions > Offers.
  3. Select the test payment and then select Promote this offer to sale.
    This converts the offer to a payment, which will then be settled. This can take a while because this simulated settlement happens once every day.
  4. Check the AUTORISATION webhook.

Before you can accept live Bank Transfer payments, you need to contact our Support Team to add Bank Transfer in your live Customer Area.

See also