Payment-method icon

Migrate to 5.9.x

Migrate Google Pay to version 5.9.x.

You are not required to migrate, but if you do, then 5.9.0 introduced a simplified integration for Google Pay to make migration easier. This new integration excludes the use of the deprecated onActivityResult and includes the Google Pay button. Follow the steps below to migrate from previous 5.x.x versions to 5.9.x:


  1. Remove deprecated Activity Result code
  2. Display Google Pay button
  3. Google Pay availability check

Remove deprecated Activity Result code

Add AdyenComponentView to your layout and attach the component to it.

Add AdyenComponentView
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android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
Attach the component to the view
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// Attach the component to the view
binding.componentView.attach(googlePayComponent, lifecycleOwner)
// Or if you use Jetpack Compose

Now you no longer need activity result related code, so you can clean it up. For example you can remove:

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// This function can be deleted
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
googlePayComponent.handleActivityResult(resultCode, data)

Display Google Pay button

If you want to keep displaying a button yourself, then you have to replace the call to googlePayComponent.startGooglePayScreen(…) with googlePayComponent.submit().

To let the component display the Google Pay button inside the AdyenComponentView remove your own button and adjust your configuration:

Add a configuration object
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environment = environment,
clientKey = clientKey,
) {
googlePay {
setGooglePayButtonStyling(…) // Optionally style the button

The dependency can now also be removed from your build.gradle.

Google Pay availability check

You no longer need to call GooglePayComponent.PROVIDER.isAvailable(…).

The GooglePayComponent now checks if Google Pay is available when you initialize it. If Google Pay is not available, you get a GooglePayUnavailableException in onError.