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Cashback or cashout from a card

Shoppers using an EFTPOS (Electronic Funds Transfer at Point Of Sale) card in Australia can obtain a small amount of cash from their account, either:

  • With their purchase (cashback).
  • Without a purchase (cash out).

EFTPOS is a card scheme in Australia and New Zealand.

To perform a cashback or cashout, pass the corresponding transactionType listed below when you create a tender. For more information on how to create a tender, see Create the tender.

To perform cashbacks or cashouts, contact the Support Team to enable this feature.


transactionType ValueDescription

Pass this value as the transactionType with the createTender method to allow a customer to obtain cash along with their purchase. For a cashback, the cashback amount is the difference between the price of the purchased goods and the total authorized amount. For example, if an item costs USD 70, and the customer asks for USD 30 cashback, the total authorized amount is USD 100. Populate the field cashbackAmount in Additional Data with the cash amount that will be provided to the shopper. The field amount equals the total authorized amount (cashbackAmount + value of the purchased goods and services).


Pass this value as the transactionType with the createTender method to allow a customer to obtain cash without a purchase. For a cashout, the cashback amount equals the total authorized amount. The field amount equals the total authorized amount (which is also equal to the cash amount that is provided to the shopper). Populate the field cashbackAmount in Additional Data with the cash amount that will be provided to the shopper.