Terminal-2 icon

Refund a transaction from the POS


Name Description
MerchantPos Extends AdyenPos. Class used to implement all payment platform functionality. Implements all functions that do not involve the PED.




Start a cancel or refund. If a pspReference has been generated, pass this as a reference for the transaction. Otherwise, provide the tenderReference.

This method returns an immediate response of type LibraryResult. Check if this result is "OK", before continuing the operation. If the LibraryResult value is not "OK", the system will not return the related callback with the asynchronous result. See here for more on extracting data from an event or callback.

Tender Parameter

Name Type Required Description
tender Tender -white_check_mark- Represents the tender.


Name Type Required Definition
merchantAccount String -white_check_mark- The merchantAccount account to receive the money.
merchantReference String -white_check_mark- The transaction reference provided by the Merchant (reported in the Adyen payments platform).
pspReference String -x- The reference provided by the Adyen PSP (reported in the Adyen payments platform). Use the PSP reference to identify the transaction to be cancelled.
tenderReference String -x- Tender reference provided by the library if there is no connection to the PSP. Use the Tender reference to identify the transaction to be cancelled.
terminalId String -x- The PED to process the transaction on.





Returns the result of creating the tender

Callback Response Attributes

Name Description
additionalData Adyen returns the additionalData object, a generic container that can hold extra response fields
tenderReference Reference the PED provides for the transaction, used in reporting on the Adyen payments platform.
tenderState Transaction state
adyenResult Transaction result details

Determine the current and final tender state

Adyen provides a method to determine the current, or final, tender state. For more information, see Determine the current and final tender state - JNI.