Terminal-2 icon

Manage your iOS Mobile solution

Learn how to enable and maintain your solution and keep the software up-to-date.

There are certain tasks that need to be done when going live with iOS Mobile solution, such as accepting Apple's Terms of Use. Then, when your solution is live and distributed to your users, you need to ensure that all required software updates are carried out. Otherwise there is a risk of temporarily not being able to continue transacting.

Accept Apple Terms of Use for Tap to Pay

Applies to:
Tap to Pay on iPhone.
Does not apply to:
Card reader on iOS.

To make Tap to Pay transactions on an iPhone, the Apple Terms of Use for Tap to Pay on iPhone must be accepted.

In the test environment, the only way to accept the Apple Terms of Use is on the iPhone itself.

If you are a platform with an Adyen for Platforms integration, the same is true for the live environment. Your users are prompted on their iPhone to accept the Apple Terms of Use when they start the first live Tap to Pay transaction on that phone.

If you are not a platform or marketplace and going live, you can use the live Customer Area to accept the Apple Terms of Use through your merchant account. This covers all iPhones that transact under the live merchant account. There will be no prompt to accept Apple's Terms of Use on those iPhones.

To accept the Apple Terms of Use through the Customer Area:

  1. In your live Customer Area, go to In-person payments > Tap to Pay & card reader.
  2. In the Apple Tap to Pay Terms of Use box, select Accept Terms of Use.
  3. Next to your merchant account, check the Status to make sure the acceptance process has not started or completed yet.
  4. Next to your merchant account, select Accept.
    You are redirected to Apple Business Connect.
    If the error message Apple link generation failed appears, try again.
  5. In Apple Business Connect, log in with the Apple iCloud account of your business and complete the steps.

In the live Customer Area, the Status of the acceptance process is updated. However, Adyen does not know the outcome in all cases. When in doubt, check the status in Apple Business Connect.

Set the transaction screen text

Applies to:
Tap to Pay on iPhone.
Does not apply to:
Card reader on iOS.

During a Tap to Pay on iPhone payment, customers will see a screen including the payment amount, and an icon with a text line to identify your business. The icon is determined automatically based on your Merchant Category Code (MCC), and cannot be changed. The text by default shows your Adyen merchant account name.

  • Contact our Support Team if you want to change the text identifying your business. We can configure different texts for your company, merchant accounts, and stores.

Keep the Mobile SDK up to date

Applies to:
Tap to Pay on iPhone and Card reader on iOS.

To make sure that you can continue making payments using the Mobile SDK you need to regularly update:

Update the SDK

As part of our security policy, each version of the Mobile SDK expires six months after the version was released. When a version of the iOS Mobile SDK has expired, you can no longer make transactions with NYC1 card reader with PIN. Tap to Pay on iPhone and NYC1 card reader payments without PIN are the only available transaction types.

As part of our security policy, each version of the Mobile SDK expires six months after the version was released. When a version of the iOS Mobile SDK has expired, you can no longer make card reader PIN transactions with that version. Only Tap to Pay on iPhone and card reader transactions without PIN are possible.

Make sure to stay informed about Mobile SDK version changes and add the new version to your project .

SDK support policy

The Mobile SDK follows semantic versioning MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH:

  • MAJOR: a major version increment indicates incompatible changes.
  • MINOR: a minor version increment indicates added functionality that is backwards compatible.
  • PATCH: a patch version increment indicates backwards-compatible bug fixes.

We do not support bug fixes to earlier MINOR or PATCH SDK versions. If you find bugs in an older MINOR or PATCH version, we recommend to update to the latest available SDK.

Stay informed about version changes

To stay informed about version changes of the iOS Mobile SDK and the minimum required device OS, you need to subscribe to system messages.

  1. In your Customer Area go to Settings > System Messages > Notification settings.
  2. Select Mobile SDK releases and Mandatory updates.

You can find the expiry date of a specific iOS Mobile SDK version in the release notes of that version.

Keep the device OS up to date

Applies to:
Tap to Pay on iPhone and Card reader on iOS.

If your mobile device is not running the minimum required iOS version, all Mobile SDK transactions will be blocked. Make sure to check the software requirements and subscribe to system messages about required OS updates.

Keep the card reader up to date

Applies to:
Card reader on iOS.
Does not apply to:
Tap to Pay on iPhone.

The firmware of the card reader must be updated from time to time, to keep the reader secure. Firmware updates have a due date, at which time they become mandatory. This means the card reader cannot process transactions anymore until it is updated to the mandatory firmware version.

You must check for new firmware updates regularly, and update your card readers to the latest version.

See also