Terminal-2 icon

M450 user manual

Get started with the M450 payment terminal.

Keypad keys


Supplied components

  • M450 payment terminal
  • Region-specific power plug for charging
  • Dongle (Cube Ethernet)
  • Barcode scanning camera

Get started

These are the steps to get your new M450 payment terminal up and running. Some steps include a link to more detailed instructions.

  1. Inspect the terminal.

  2. Turn on the terminal: connect the terminal to a power supply, then press and hold the power button until the display turns on.
    Let the battery charge for at least four hours while you continue with the next steps.

  3. On the Welcome screen, select your language.

  4. Connect the terminal to your network.

  5. On the Confirm store screen, assign the terminal to your store by selecting the check mark button. If the store shown is not your store, use the edit button to change it.

    If the store screen doesn't show, wait until the next synchronization with the Adyen platform (on average three hours) and try again.

When you have completed these steps, you are ready to process payments!

Inspect the terminal

Because payment terminals process sensitive card data, you must verify that the terminal you received is the correct one, supplied by Adyen, and hasn't been tampered with.

  1. Verify that the shipping box containing the terminal hasn't been opened and that the box tape is intact.

  2. If you have access to the Adyen Customer Area, log in and under In-person payments > Orders and returns find the order for your terminal. Then:

    • Verify that the serial number (S/N) on the box is the same as in the Customer Area.
    • Using the track & trace link, track the order with the carrier to verify that they confirm having delivered the payment terminal.
  3. Open the terminal boxes, take the terminal out of the box, and verify that the serial number (S/N) on the terminal is the same as the serial number on the box.

  4. Inspect the terminal for tampering. Check for missing screws, additional wires or labels, holes in the device, and anything inserted in or attached to any part of the terminal.

If any of the above checks fails, contact our Support Team immediately.

Connect to your network

Connect your terminal to the internet so that it can communicate with the Adyen payments platform and your own back-end systems.

Connect to Wi-Fi

  1. After selecting your language on the Welcome screen, select the arrow button:
  2. On the Setup Wi-Fi screen, select the + sign.
  3. Turn on the WLAN toggle switch.
  4. Select a Wi-Fi network from the list, or select the + sign and add the name (SSID) of the Wi-Fi network.
  5. Enter the Wi-Fi password.
  6. Select OK.
    The terminal sets the network as default automatically, and connects to it.
    You'll now see a Wi-Fi icon at the top of the display.

Updating the connection settings

If you need to change Wi-Fi usage later:

  1. Select Settings > Network.
  2. Enter your passcode.
  3. Select Wi-Fi. You can now:
    • Turn Wi-Fi on or off using the WLAN toggle switch.
    • Add another network as described above.

Test the payments platform connection

Payments are processed on the Adyen payments platform. To test the connection with that platform:

  1. Select Settings > Diagnostics > PSP connection.
  2. Check if the Status is Successful.
    You can also View results and check if all items have a green check mark -white_check_mark-.
    Do not worry if Receiving data has a red cross -x- and the result is No Error; the terminal successfully connected with our platform.

Test the POS system connection

To test the connection with your POS system:

  1. Select Settings > Diagnostics > Terminal API.
  2. Check if the Status is Successful.
    You can also View results and check if all items have a green check mark -white_check_mark-.
  3. Select the Cancel button to go back to Diagnostics, and select Endpoints.
    The terminal runs tests on four URLs and then shows a final screen.
  4. Check if the Status is Successful or select View results to check whether all four URLs in the final screen have a green check mark -white_check_mark-.

Turn on/off

If you turn on the payment terminal for the first time or after it was off for a long time, it may make a maintenance call to synchronize the configuration and update the software. This can take 10 to 20 minutes.

Turn on the terminal:

  • Connect the terminal to a power supply.
    During startup the display turns on and off a few times.

Reboot the terminal:

  1. Go to Settings and select Power.
  2. Enter your passcode.
  3. Select Restart and confirm.

Turn off the terminal:

  • Disconnect the terminal from the power supply.

Payment terminal menus

Your payment terminals have a menu with options related to payments, and a menu with options related to configuration. The access to some menu options is protected by passcodes.

Menu/Button Description Passcode

  • Device info: view information about the payment terminal, like the serial number, configuration version, and store details. Update the software version. Scan to connect to the terminal.
  • Network: enable and configure network connections. Turn airplane mode on/off.
  • Configuration: view, update, or remove the configuration version.
  • Display: adjust the screen brightness.
  • Diagnostics: run network connection tests or send us a diagnostic report.
  • Apps: overview of the apps and certificates installed on the terminal. If an app is scheduled to be installed or removed, this action is carried out when you open this menu.
  • No passcode required:
    • Device info
    • Diagnostics
    • Display
  • Admin & Settings passcode required:
    • Apps
    • Configuration
    • Network
    • Device info> Software version

  • History: view transactions stored on the terminal.
  • Totals: view a transaction totals report. Reset transaction totals.
  • New transaction: Refund, MOTO payment, MOTO refund, Manual key entry as a standalone terminal. Select the AID priority.
  • Transactions passcode required:
    • History
    • Totals
    • New transaction
  • Refunds passcode required:
    • New transaction > Refund

  • No passcode required.

You can get the passcodes from your Customer Area or from your company's admin user.

Device info

To view information about the terminal:

  • Select Settings > Device info.

The Device info screen shows:

  • Model, serial number, and IP address of the terminal.
  • Software version and configuration version that the terminal currently uses.
  • Merchant account and store that the terminal belongs to.
  • A button to show a QR code with device info.
    When you contact our Support Team, they may ask you to scan this QR code.



If there is an issue with your payment terminal, first try to diagnose and solve the issue yourself, using our Troubleshooting documentation. In many cases, this is the quickest solution.

Start remote session

If your terminal is on software version 1.105.2 or later, you can access it remotely from your Customer Area. The remote session creates a duplicate of the terminal's screen in your Customer Area and lets you interact with the menus and the Android apps on the terminal.

To authenticate the session, you need to be in contact with a member of your staff and provide them with a one-time passcode to enter into the terminal. You can then troubleshoot issues or configure the terminal settings. This also means that unattended terminal models such as S1U2 can only be accessed remotely in this way, if you have a member of your staff present to assist.

To use the remote session feature, you need to have the WebSockets enabled. You can enable this in your Customer Area under Terminal settings > Integrations > Terminal API > Enable WebSockets.

  1. Log into your Customer Area.
  2. Go to Terminals and select your terminal.
  3. Select More options > Start remote session.
    A one-time passcode shows in your Customer Area.
  4. Instruct the terminal operator to select Start session and enter your one-time passcode.
    A duplicate of the terminal screen shows in your Customer Area. You can interact with the terminal menus remotely.
  5. When you are done, select End session.

Be aware that you can end the session both from your Customer Area and from the terminal. When the session ends, you need to start a new one and authenticate with a one-time passcode again.

Ask for assistance

If you cannot resolve the issue using the Troubleshooting documentation, contact to our Support Team.

Provide the following information:

  • Merchant account.
  • PSP reference of the transaction, if applicable.
  • Terminal serial number. This number is available in the Device info and also printed on the back of the terminal (for example, S/N:123-456-789).

See also