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Raw responses

Learn about the raw responses for point-of-sale payment requests.

When a card scheme or issuer declines a payment request, they send us a raw response to explain why. The many raw responses are slightly different between schemes and are subject to change. For that reason, we map the raw response to a to a combination of ErrorCondition, refusalReason and message and send you that in the Terminal API response.

If you want to receive the raw response as well, you can enable that in your Customer Area. However, it is important that you do not base your code on the raw response.

Receiving raw responses

If you want to receive the raw response for declined payments:

  1. Log in to your Customer Area and switch to your merchant account.
  2. Go to Developers > Additional data.
  3. Select the Raw acquirer result checkbox.
  4. Select Save configuration.

When a payment request is declined, you will now receive the refusalReasonRaw field in the Response.AdditionalResponse of the PaymentResponse.

The refusalReasonRaw provides additional information. But if you base your code on it, that might break your integration because acquirers and issuers sometimes change their raw responses without notice.
See Handle responses to learn how you can handle declined payments.

Most common raw responses

The following table lists the most common raw acquirer responses for point of sale. The table also has the corresponding transaction Status as shown in your Customer Area, and indicates what the shopper should do.

Status Raw acquirer response Description/Instruction
Cancelled 00: Approved or completed successfully Transaction was cancelled after it was initially approved by the issuer. This can be due to various reasons, for example, if the shopper returns goods after purchase. 
Refused 01 or 02: Refer to card issuer Transaction refused by the card issuer. Shopper should contact their bank for clarification. Shopper can try again after resolving the issue with their bank, or use another payment method.
Refused 03: Invalid merchant Transaction refused by the card issuer. Shopper should contact their bank for clarification. Shopper can try again after resolving the issue with their bank, or use another payment method.
Refused 04: Capture card / Pick-up Card issuer requests to retain the card. This can be due to a suspected counterfeit or stolen card.
Refused 05: Do not honor Generic issuer refusal. Shopper should contact their bank for clarification.
Refused 05: Do not honor (Decline - Insufficient FundsBAL=...) Insufficient funds in the cardholder's account. Shopper can try again after adding funds to their bank account, or use another payment method.
Refused 05: Do not honor (Decline Card Inv) Invalid gift card.
Refused 05: Do not honor (Decline Expired) Card expired. Shopper can use another payment method.
Refused 05: Do not honor (Decline InactiveBAL=0.00) Inactive gift card. 
Refused 05: Insufficient funds - Card working balance is insufficient Insufficient funds in the cardholder's account. Shopper can try again after adding funds to their bank account, or use another payment method.
Refused 06: Error Payment could not be authorized and resulted in an error. Shopper can try again or use another payment method.
Refused 07: Pickup card, special condition Card issuer requests to retain the card. This can be due to a suspected counterfeit or stolen card.
Cancelled 10: Partial approval Transaction was cancelled. Some card issuers support partial-approval authorization. This approves a part of the requested transaction, leaving the remainder to be paid with another form of tender.
Refused 12: Invalid transaction Card issuer does not allow this type of transaction on this card/account. For example, the card is a fleet card for which this type of transaction is not permitted.
Refused 13: Invalid amount Card issuer has declined the transaction because of an invalid format or field. This response usually occurs with Cirrus or Maestro Debit and Prepaid Cards. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused 14: Invalid card number Card issuer is unable to validate the account number.
Refused 15: Invalid issuer Card number is not within a card number range supported by the scheme.
Refused 19: Re-enter transaction Shopper should retry. Card issuer does not provide further information on why the transaction was not processed.
Refused 21: Card already issued - Issue Gift Card Transaction used on a card that has already been reloaded Card issuer has indicated there is a problem with the card number. Shopper should retry, use an alternate payment method, or contact their bank.
Refused 21: Card not initialized Card issuer has indicated the card has not been initialized. Shopper should retry, use an alternate payment method, or contact their bank.
Refused 25: Unable to locate record on file Card issuer does not recognize the credit card details. Shopper should check the card information and retry.
Refused 30: Format error Card issuer does not recognize the transaction details being entered. This is due to a format error. Shopper should check the transaction information and retry.
Refused 34: Fraud - Pick Up Card issuer declined the transaction due to suspected fraud.
Refused 39: No credit account Card issuer declined the transaction as the card number used is not a credit account.
Refused 40: Function not supported / Requested function not supported Card issuer declined the transaction because the issuer does not allow this type of transaction.
Refused 41: Lost card Card reported as lost. Validate shopper's authenticity and refer then to their bank.
Refused 43: Stolen card Card reported as stolen. Validate shopper's authenticity and refer them to their bank.
Refused 51: Decline Generic issuer refusal. Shopper should contact their bank for clarification.
Refused 51: Insufficient funds/over credit limit / Not sufficient funds Insufficient funds in the cardholder's account. Shopper can try again after adding funds to their bank account, or use another payment method.
Refused 51: No Cheque account Card issuer declined the transaction as the credit card number is associated with a cheque account that does not exist.
Refused 52: No Cheque account Card issuer declined the transaction because the credit card number is associated with a cheque account that does not exist.
Refused 53: No Savings account Card issuer has declined the transaction because the credit card number is associated with a savings account that does not exist.
Refused 54: Expired card Expiration date of the shopper's card has passed. Shopper should correct or use an alternate payment method.
Refused 55: Invalid PIN PIN validation failed (shopper entered an invalid PIN). Shopper should correct or use an alternate payment method.
Refused 57: Transaction not permitted to issuer/cardholder Card issuer does not permit the transaction on this card/account. Shopper can use another payment method.
Refused 58: Transaction not permitted to acquirer/terminal Card issuer does not permit the transaction on this card/account. Shopper can use another payment method or contact their bank.
Refused 59: Suspected fraud Card issuer suspects this payment to be fraudulent. The transaction is refused.
Refused 61: Exceeds withdrawal amount limit(s) / Withdrawal amount limit exceeded Shopper exceeded their card limit. Shopper can try again after resolving the issue with their bank, or use another payment method.
Refused 62: Restricted card Card issuer has defined the card on an exclusion list. For example: it has excluded or embargoed the card's country/region.
Refused 63: Security violation Card issuer indicated a security issue with this card. Shopper can use another payment method. Alternatively, the shopper can try again after they resolved the issue with their bank.
Refused 65: Exceeds withdrawal count limit / Withdrawal count limit exceeded Shopper exceeded their card usage frequency limit. Shopper can use another payment method. or alternatively try again with the same card after the shopper took care of the card limit issue.
Refused 70: Contact Card Issuer Card issuer indicated an issue with this card and requests contact from the shopper. Shopper can use another payment method. Alternatively the shopper can try again after they resolved the issue with their bank.
Refused 75: Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded Shopper exceeded number of PIN failures allowed by issuing bank. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused 78: Invalid/nonexistent account specified (general) Transaction is from a new cardholder, and the card has not been properly unblocked.
Refused 80: Credit issuer unavailable Issuing bank down. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Authorised 85: No reason to decline a request for account number verification, address verification, CVV2 verification, or a credit voucher or merchandise return Zero-value auth request authorized.
Authorised 85: Not declined (Valid for all zero amount transactions) Zero-value auth request authorized.
Refused 86: Cannot Verify PIN Shopper's card cannot be verified. For example, there is no PVV.
Refused 86: PIN Validation not possible Shopper's card cannot be validated. For example, there is no PVV.
Refused 88: Cryptographic failure Cryptography authentication for the shopper's card has failed. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused 89: Unacceptable PIN—Transaction Declined—Retry Shopper failed PIN validation. Shopper should correct or use an alternate payment method.
Refused 91: Authorization Platform or issuer system inoperative / Issuer not available The issuing bank down. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Error 91: Issuer unavailable or switch inoperative Issuer or issuer processor cannot authorize, for example because of downtime.
Refused 92: Destination cannot be found for routing / Unable to route transaction Shopper is using a test card number on live. Shopper should use an alternate payment method.
Refused 93: Transaction cannot be completed; violation of law Issuing bank will not allow this transaction. Shopper should use an alternate payment method.
Refused 94: Duplicate transmission detected This error will occur if the card issuer has declined the transaction because it appears to be a duplicate transmission. Check this is the case and process the transaction again if needed.
Refused 96: System error Issuing bank down. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused 96: System malfunction Issuing bank down. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused 100: Deny Generic issuer refusal. Shopper should contact their bank for clarification.
Refused 100: Do not honour Generic issuer refusal. Shopper should contact their bank for clarification.
Refused 101: Expired Card / Invalid Expiration Date Card expired. Shopper can use another payment method.
Refused 101: Invalid card number Card number is either not the right length or does not validate against the Luhn formula.
Refused 102: Unable to determine variant

Card number is invalid. Adyen uses the payment method variant to determine how to process a transaction. When the card number is invalid this process fails and this error occurs.

Refused 106: Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded / Exceeded PIN attempts Shopper has exceeded the maximum number of PIN entries allowed by the card issuer. 
Refused 110: Invalid Amount The specified amount of the transaction is invalid. For example, an invalid character (such as a dollar sign or a space) may have been used. Try again or use another card or payment method.

Refused 111: Invalid card number (no such number) / Invalid account / Invalid MICR (Travelers Cheque) An invalid character (such as a dollar sign or a space) may have been used and the terminal is unable to read the card. Use another card or payment method.
Refused 115: Requested function not supported Card issuer does not allow this type of transaction on this card. Shopper can use another payment method.
Refused 116: Not sufficient funds Insufficient funds in the cardholder's account. Shopper can try again after adding funds to their bank account, or use another payment method.
Refused 119: Transaction not permitted to cardholder Card issuer does not permit transactions on this card/account. Shopper can use another payment method.
Refused 129: Suspected counterfeit card Card cannot be used because it is a suspected counterfeit.
Refused 163: Do not honour Generic issuer refusal. Shopper should contact their bank for clarification.
Refused 182: Decline given by Issuer Card issuer refused the transaction. Shopper can try again after resolving the issue with their bank, or use another payment method.
Refused 182: No PIN transaction velocity limit exceeded Bancontact/Mister Cash (BCMC) payment. Shopper has exceeded the maximum time between transactions without using a PIN. Refused for security reasons. Shopper can retry using a PIN or use another payment method.
Refused 183: Invalid currency code Currency code provided does not comply with standards. 
Refused 183 or 184: EMV data inconsistent / incorrect BCMC payment. The EMV data was inconsistent. Shopper can retry using a PIN or use another payment method.
Refused 186: Incorrect EMV cryptogram (ARQC) BCMC payment. The used EMV cryptogram (ARQC) for the transaction was incorrect. Shopper can retry, or use another payment method.
Refused 187: Card periodic limit exceeded Shopper has exceeded maximum number of transactions on their card for a set period (such as a month).
Refused 189: Account periodic limit exceeded Shopper has exceeded maximum number of transactions on their account for a set period (such as a month).
Refused 192: Card not affected (not yet linked to an account) Card is not linked to a bank account and cannot be used. Shopper must contact their bank.
Refused 193: Card disaffected or deactivated Card has been deactivated and cannot be used. Shopper must contact their bank.
Refused 905 Payment details are not supported The used payment method is not supported. 
Refused 911: Time-out of issuer response Issuing bank down at the moment. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Always refused Gift card refused.
Refused Amount too low to be accepted by Card Network The entered amount is too low to be accepted by the card network
Refused Card data authentication failed The relevant shopper's card data has not successfully been obtained. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Card is blocked Shopper's card has been blocked and cannot be used. Shopper must contact their bank.
Refused card removed Shopper's card was removed from the terminal before the transaction finished.
Refused Card removed during application selection Shopper's card was removed from the terminal before the transaction finished.
Refused Card removed during transaction Shopper's card was removed from the terminal before the transaction finished.
Refused Card removed during transaction (first ac) Shopper's card was removed from the terminal before the transaction finished.
Refused Card removed during transaction (verify cardholder) Shopper's card was removed from the terminal before the transaction finished.
Refused Card removed while processing online Shopper's card was removed from the terminal before the transaction finished.
Refused Card swapped mid-transaction Card removed from the terminal and swapped for another card during the transaction. 
Refused chip cancelled tx (2nd ac returned AAC) Card returned AAC to the terminal, causing the transaction to be declined offline. 
Refused Communication timeout Timeout while communicating with the card / issuer. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Communication with chip failed (app read) Terminal failed to read the chip. Retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Communication with chip failed (app sel) Terminal failed to read the chip. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Communication with chip failed (data auth) Terminal failed to read the chip. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Communication with chip failed (online proc) Terminal failed to read the chip. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Crash recovery Terminal crashed for an unknown reason during the transaction, causing it to fail. 
Refused Credit not allowed for eftpos Credit is not allowed by the card issuer.
Refused declined Transaction has been declined for an unspecified reason.
Refused Declined offline Terminal was unable to connect to an internet connection, causing the transaction to fail. 
Refused Emv error An error occurred while reading the EMV chip. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Emv: data authentication failed An error occurred while reading the EMV chip. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Emv: generate first ac failed An error occurred while reading the EMV chip. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Emv: read application failed An error occurred while reading the EMV chip. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Emv: verify card holder failed An error occurred while reading the EMV chip. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Exception message: Expiry month should be between 1 and 12 inclusive Shopper's expiration month is not exclusively between the numbers 1 and 12.
Refused Exception message: No acquirer account available for merchant: '…' to process … for PlatformAction: 'AUTH' Payment request has been sent without a store ID, and stores are configured for the merchant and no payment methods set up for "None".
Refused Failed to go online Terminal was unable to connect to an internet connection, causing the transaction to fail.
Refused FRAUD Shopper's card has been declined because of (suspected) fraud. 
Refused I035 Unknown refusal by BCMC. Contact issuer for more information.
Refused Invalid CardNumber Invalid card number. 
Refused Invalid CardNumber - PAN length mismatch. Invalid card number, the PAN length is a mismatch.
Refused Invalid parameter (app select) Generic error from Verifone ADK. Usually means AID is configured incorrectly for the card being used. 
Refused Invalid shopperInteraction Wrong acquirer has been used. Contact our Support Team.
Refused Invalid shopperInteraction: POS Wrong Alipay acquirer has been used. Contact our Support Team.
Error IOEXCEPTION_RECEIVED Transaction failed due to an acquirer error. Usually applies to gift cards.
Refused Magstripe is not accepted as an entry mode by Bancontact Magnetic Stripe not accepted by the issuer. Shopper can use another payment method.
Refused Manual Key Entry not allowed for eftpos Entry mode not allowed by the issuer. Shopper can use another payment method.
Refused Merchant cancelled Merchant cancelled the transaction before the transaction was successfully completed.
Refused Merchant cancelled after contactless fallback Merchant cancelled the transaction before the transaction was successfully completed.
Refused Merchant cancelled during online authorization Merchant cancelled the transaction before the transaction was successfully completed.
Error Merchant cancelled during validate call Merchant cancelled the transaction before the transaction was successfully completed.
Refused Merchant cancelled tx Merchant cancelled the transaction before the transaction was successfully completed.
Refused N7: Decline for CVV2 failure Issuer refusal. This can be due to various reasons. Shopper should retry, use an alternate payment method, or contact their bank for clarification.
Refused No or invalid Amount Authorised (9F02) provided. Transaction refused because the amount authorized by the issuer did not match the transaction amount. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused No or invalid Card Details provided. Missing/invalid card data provided by the shopper. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused No or invalid Terminal Capabilities 9F33 provided. Transaction type not supported by the terminal. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused NO_RESPONSE_FROM_ACM Transaction failed as response received from acquirer. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Error  NO_RESPONSE_WITHIN_TIMEOUT An error occurred at the acquirer, and the transaction did not complete.
Refused Offline - Y1 / Y3 / Z1 / Z3 Transaction refused during offline processing. This can be due to various reasons. Check transaction logs.
Refused Operation not supported for the used payment method Operation not supported for this payment method. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Error Payment method is not supported [Offline - Y3] Payment method is not supported. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Recurring requires shopperReference shopperReference is required to set up a recurring contract. Shopper should retry and provide a shopperReference.
Refused S000 Generic refusal from BCMC. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Shopper cancelled Shopper cancelled the transaction before it completed.
Refused Shopper cancelled after contactless fallback Shopper cancelled the transaction before it completed.
Refused Shopper cancelled during application selection Shopper cancelled the transaction before it completed.
Refused Shopper cancelled during dcc selection Shopper cancelled the transaction before it completed.
Refused Shopper cancelled during online authorization Shopper cancelled the transaction before it completed.
Refused Shopper cancelled during validate call Shopper cancelled the transaction before it completed.
Refused Shopper cancelled Manual Key Entry Shopper cancelled the transaction before it completed.
Refused Shopper cancelled pin entry Shopper cancelled the transaction before it completed.
Refused Shopper cancelled tx Shopper cancelled the transaction before it completed.
Refused Shopper did not present a card Shopper did not present a card, so the transaction was cancelled. 
Refused Terminal risk management failed Risk Management for the terminal failed. 
Refused Timeout during amount adjustment Transaction timed out. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Timeout during application selection Transaction timed out. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Timeout during manual key entry Transaction timed out. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Timeout during PIN entry Transaction timed out. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Timeout waiting for card after contactless fallback Transaction timed out. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Unmapped - 1 / 00 Unmapped error occurred. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.
Refused Unsupported cardType: ATM Only Shopper's card can only be used at an ATM. Shopper should use an alternate payment method.
Refused Validation call failed Card validation call failed. Shopper should retry or use an alternate payment method.

See also