Terminal-2 icon

EVO release notes V1.20

Logo on the receipt

Configure a logo to be printed on the receipt by the terminal printer in the Customer Area.  

Note: This functionality is not available for VX820 DUET

New receipt font

We've introduced a new font to improve the receipt readability when printed from a terminal printer.

Refused receipts

For refused receipts, an exclamation mark will be printed next to transaction status on the receipt printed by the terminal printer.


Bluetooth improvements: devices can be discoverable and serving incoming paring requests.

Known issues in v1_20

  1. Additional reboots when upgrading.
    Details: When upgrading to v1_20, an additional automated reboot of 3G terminals will occur. The terminal itself will behave normally after the reboot.
  2. Serial connectivity for e315 and e355.
    Details: The serial connection for these terminals is unstable, which leads to problems when connecting terminals with iOS devices. This is most noticeable on the e355 while it is connected to the dock. In V1_20 we include an upgraded library from Verifone that will improve the connectivity. A couple of other improvements have been identified that will be included in v1_21.
    Steps to resolve: Reboot the mobile device and terminal to resolve the issue. Updating iOS device to iOS 10 may also resolve this issue.
  3. Chinese localizations are not printed or print incorrect characters on receipts (updated).
    Details: Localized receipt information is not visible, or is print incorrect characters, on printed receipts for most languages which use some non-latin characters, including Chinese. As these characters are not available on the printer, any labels or pieces of text that contain them are not printed. We have solved this issue for some languages, including Russian.
  4. Some shopper messages are unclear.
    Details: Some messages, displayed to shoppers on the PED, are unclear; for example, when switching from contactless to other entry modes where contactless is not allowed.