Terminal-2 icon

EVO release notes V1.25

New functionality


We have introduced Alipay, one of the biggest payment methods for Chinese shoppers, in this firmware version for both integrated and standalone terminals.

For a guide to using your terminal to process Alipay payments see QR code payments.

Contact Support Team if you want to offer Alipay as a payment option.

Network failover

We have implemented a network failover mechanism to reduce the risk of connection issues. A terminal will fall back to a secondary or tertiary network interface if that is available, for example a 3g connection.

This applies to the VX690 and E355 models only. 

This feature is not enabled by default.

Multiple Wi-Fi PEAP profiles for same SSID

You can now implement multiple Wi-Fi PEAP profiles on a terminal to avoid disconnections due to expired profiles. When a terminal disconnects due to an expired Wi-Fi profile, the terminal will check for other profiles with a valid date and automatically switch over.

Improved functionality

Bluetooth flow

We have applied changes to the user interface to simplify connecting to Bluetooth.

We've added:

  • A separate item in the Bluetooth menu for a base station
  • The ability to show the serial number of a connected device.

Fixed issues

  • On the totals receipt the word 'total' is not translated to the local language
  • When the receipt is configured with a large font size and a long string, the receipt header did not fit on the paper.