Terminal-2 icon

VOS release notes V1.19

New functionality

New merchant-specific URL

The primary merchant-specific URL (which is enabled for all merchants) is now *. adyenpayments.com. Add *.adyenpayments.com to your allowlist.

Ethernet Autonegotiation

We have added the ability to change the default Ethernet Autonegotiation, and set values for port speed (10/100) and duplex (full/half) from the Backend. In some rare cases, this can solve connectivity issues with specific network equipment connected to a terminal. Changes can be applied through the Network section of the Admin menu. The terminal will reboot after an option is changed and boot with the new network setting.

Improved functionality

Improved error messaging on boarding terminal

In case of incorrect merchant account configuration upon boarding, a 401 error is thrown. New error codes have been added, mapped to a clear error message.

Known issues

Gift card receipts

Gift card receipts may be formatted incorrectly. If you experience issues with your receipts, include the DontPrintReceipt tender option in the load or balance inquiry requests to suppress the print receipt callback.


Time-out application selection

Terminals are not returning to idle state from application selection.

Prompt to confirm cancel

The cancel flow is not in sync with the normal transaction flow meaning that a shopper is not asked to confirm a cancellation.