Point-of-sale icon

VOS release notes V1.27

New functionality

Alipay and WeChat Pay support for Terminal API

Alipay and WeChat Pay are now fully supported and compatible with the Terminal API. For more information, see our Terminal API documentation.

Start button added for standalone use

We've added a button to start a standalone transaction for terminals with an internal printer.

Pin enforcement for specific BINS

A PIN is always required for specific BINs, even for cards where this is not set as the Cardholder Verification Method. In these cases, the terminal always prompts the customer for a PIN.

 Get Totals request

It is now possible to request the payment totals of a terminal using the Terminal API.

Fixed issues

  • The terminal does not accept the Wi-Fi configuration pushed from Adyen payments platform.
  • Terminal API: signature is not printed on the receipt.