How you add Multibanco depends on your integration.
Choose the server-side flow that your integration uses:
Start integrating with Sessions flow Component
Choose your versionRequirements
Requirement | Description | |
Integration type | Make sure that you have an existing Sessions flow iOS Components integration. | |
Checkout API | Make sure that you use Checkout API v68 or later. | |
Setup steps | Before you begin, add Multibanco in your Customer Area. |
Add additional parameters to your /sessions request
You do not need to add any parameters when you create a payment session.
Import the Component for Multibanco
To import the library and include the module for Multibanco.
implementation "com.adyen.checkout:instant:YOUR_VERSION" implementation "com.adyen.checkout:components-compose:YOUR_VERSION"
Add additional configuration for Multibanco
Add a configuration object with the following parameters:
Parameter | Required | Description |
setSubmitButtonVisible |
Set if you want the submit button to be visible. |
{ setSubmitButtonVisible(True) }
Launch and show the Component for Multibanco
To create the Component for Multibanco, use the InstantPaymentComponent
import com.adyen.checkout.components.compose.get // Get the payment method. val paymentMethod = checkoutSession.getPaymentMethod(PaymentMethodTypes.SCHEME) @Composable private fun ComposableInstantPaymentComponent() { // Keep a reference to this Component in case you need to access it later. val instantComponent = InstantPaymentComponent.PROVIDER.get( checkoutSession = checkoutSession, paymentMethod = paymentMethod, configuration = checkoutConfiguration, componentCallback = callback, // This key is required to ensure a new Component gets created for each different screen or payment session. // Generate a new value for this key every time you need to reset the Component. key = "YOUR_UNIQUE_KEY_FOR_THIS_COMPONENT", ) // This is your composable, a wrapper around our xml view. AdyenComponent( component = instantComponent, modifier = YOUR_MODIFIER, ) }
Test and go live
Before you can test Multibanco payments, you need to submit a request for Multibanco in your test Customer Area.
In the test environment, you can simulate a Multibanco payment by promoting the pending payment to a sale.
- Log in to your test Customer Area.
- Go to Transactions > Offers.
- Select the PSP reference of the pending Multibanco payment.
- Select Promote offer to sale button.
Multibanco payments that have been paid (including test offers that you manually promoted to sale) are under Transactions > Payments.
Test the reconciliation process by promoting test payments from offer to sale in your test Customer Area.
Before you can accept live Multibanco payments, you need to submit a request for Multibanco in your live Customer Area.