Payment-method icon

Online Banking SK iOS Component

Add Online Banking SK to your Components integration.

You can add Online Banking SK to your existing integration. The following instructions show only what you must add to your integration specifically for Online Banking SK.

If an instruction on this page corresponds with a step in the main integration guide, it includes a link to corresponding step of the main integration guide.

The additions you must make depends on the server-side flow that your integration uses:

Sessions flow
Advanced flow

Start integrating with Sessions flow Component

Choose your version


Requirement Description
Integration type Make sure that you have an existing Sessions flow Android Components integration.
Checkout API Make sure that you use Checkout API v68 or later.
Setup steps Before you begin, add Online Banking SK in your Customer Area.

Add additional parameters to your /sessions request

You do not need to add any parameters when you create a payment session.

Add additional configuration for Online Banking SK

Add a configuration object with the following parameters:

Parameter Required Description
setConfig Set to value
Add a configuration object
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// Create a configuration object.
val Configuration = Configuration.Builder(
shopperLocale, // Use your context instead to use the device's default locale.
// Set additional configuration.

Initialize the Component for Online Banking SK

To initialize Online Banking SK, use the OnlineBankingComponent class.

Initialize the Component
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let paymentMethods = session.sessionContext.paymentMethods
// Check that the payment method is supported before showing the Component.
guard let paymentMethod = paymentMethods.paymentMethod(ofType: InstantPaymentMethod.self) else { return }
let component = OnlineBankingComponent(paymentMethod: paymentMethod,
context: context,
// Set the configuration object that you created for Online Banking SK.
configuration: )
self.currentComponent = component
// Set the session as the delegate.
component.delegate = session

Test and go live

Test Online banking Slovakia payments with real payment details and small amounts.

Check the status of your test Online banking Slovakia payments in your Customer Area > Transactions > Payments.

To accept live Online banking Slovakia payments, add it as a payment method in your Customer Area.