Visão geral
Get started with Adyen
Requirements for your live account application
Payments glossary
Online payments
Payment methods
Release notes
Upgrade your integration
Migrate to Checkout API
Migrate to Adyen Web v6
Migrate from v4.x.x
Migrate from v3.x.x
Migrate to Adyen Android v5
Migrate to Adyen iOS v5
Get started
Integration checklist
Build your integration
Sessions flow
Advanced flow
Result codes
Go-live checklist
Modify payments
Authorization adjustment
Adjust an authorization
3D Secure 2
Web Drop-in
Web Component
iOS Drop-in
iOS Component
Android Drop-in
Android Component
Earlier versions
Third-party authentication
Data only
API reference
Sessions flow
Advanced flow
Manage tokens
Account Updater
Real Time Account Updater
Batch Account Updater
Auto Rescue
SEPA direct debit
Web Component
API Only
Terms and Conditions
Network tokenization
Instant card funding
Online payouts
Instant card payouts
Payouts in stages
Payout webhook
Payout to a bank account
Partial authorizations
Partial payments
Two-step checkout
Analytics and data tracking
Card encryption with JWE
3D Secure for regulation compliance
PSD2 SCA compliance guide
Implement SCA compliance
AusPayNet compliance guide
Japan Credit Card Security compliance guide
Payments India compliance guide
India go-live checklist
Co-badged cards compliance
Older integrations
Classic integrations
Classic API integration
Client-Side Encryption
CSE library public key, location, and token
Hosting the CSE library
Store payment details
Retrieve stored details
Authorise a recurring payment
Authorise using details stored with a third party
Capture a recurring payment
Update stored details
Disable stored details
3D Secure
Authentication-only integration
Custom 3D Secure implementation
Custom 3D Secure using an external MPI
Custom 3D Secure using a hosted MPI
Native 3DS2
Browser-based integration
Helper functions
iOS 3D Secure 2 SDK
Android 3D Secure 2 SDK
Authentication-only integration
API reference
Other 3D Secure flows
Authorise a payment with 3DS2 authenticated data
Data-only flow
Raw 3D Secure responses
Gift cards (classic)
Google Pay (classic)
Pix (classic)
Modify payments
Failure reasons
Cancel or refund
Pre-authorisation and adjustment
What we support
Idiomas suportados
Métodos de Pagamento
Projete sua integração
Integração com a API de Terminais
Ativação - API de terminais
Design your integration
Determine a estrutura de sua conta
Automate store management
Configurar recursos de pagamento
Solicite uma store account
Escolha sua arquitetura
Construindo uma integração local
Protect with a library
Comunicações locais seguras
Construindo uma integração na nuvem
Rede e conectividade
Configuração de rede
Perfis de Wi-Fi
Cellular connection
Bluetooth PAN and tethering
Bluetooth base station
Problemas de rede
End of 3G network coverage
Fundamentos da API de terminais
Referências da API de terminais
Notifications and webhooks
Exibir notificações
Estados Tender
Notificações de eventos
Platform-generated webhooks
Implement the payment flow
Efetue um pagamento básico
Cartões de débito e crédito
Carteiras digitais (NFC Wallets)
Greece tax regulations
Envie informações da aplicação
Cancele uma transação em andamento
Reembolsar um pagamento
Referenced refund
Unreferenced refund
Cancele um reembolso
Outcome of a refund
Verifique o Status da transação
Lidando com erros
Motivos de recusa
Respostas do adquirente
Penalty box
Tempo limite (Timeouts)
Teste sua integração
White-green Adyen POS test card
Cartão verde da Adyen para testes em terminais
Cartão branco da Adyen para testes em terminais
B2 test cards
Executar diagnósticos
Solicitar diagnóstico
Verifique a conexão em nuvem
Recursos de pagamento
Adicionar informações a um pagamento
Envie Tender options
Card application selection
Métodos de verificação do titular do cartão (CVM)
Cashback e cash out
Capturando pagamentos
Captura atrasada
Captura manual
Conversão de moeda
Baixe e use o arquivo de visão geral do DCC
Cartões vale presente
Realizar pagamentos
Verificar saldo
Carregue um cartão vale presente
Desfazer uma transação
Desativação ou saque
Pagamentos no Brasil
Ordem por correio e telefone (MOTO)
Respostas AVS para terminais
Venda digitada (MKE)
Transações offline
Partial payments
Carteiras digitais com um QR code
Reconciliar totals
Fazer login e logout de seu terminal
Recuperar totals do terminal
Reconciliar uma incompatibilidade de saldo
Risk management
Gorjeta pela caixa registradora
Gorjeta pelo terminal
Override tipping options
Override the amount to tip on
Gorjeta no recibo
Add advanced flows
Autonomous stores
Aquisição de cartão
Reconhecimento de clientes e tokenização
Card-based identification
Card check before refund
Compras isentas de impostos
Custom cards
NFC wallet passes
NFC tags reading and writing
Pagamentos à mesa
Quick chip
Shopper engagement
Create a flow
Exibir dados no terminal
Show a QR code
Exibir dados no terminal
Exibir uma imagem
Exibir a tela de espera
Coletar informações
Multiple choice—multiple answers
Phone number
Rating—single key press
Cancelar coleta de entrada
Imprimir dados no terminal
Split the screen to show two requests
Third-party interactions
Terminais não integrados
Build a standalone solution
Solução não integrada
Ativação - Solução não integrada
Terminais não integrados
Use a standalone terminal
Get started manuals
Verifone Engage terminals
Manual do usuário e285 e e285p
Manual de usuário P400 Plus
Manual de usuário V240m Plus
V400c Plus
V400m with Bluetooth base
Android terminals
Card readers
Legacy terminals
Deprecation of eVo terminals
e315 user manual
Inspect device security
Charging the e315
Install an iPod or iPhone
Turning it on and off
Board the terminal
Use the Admin menu
Understand the LED colors
Troubleshooting and Support
e355 user manual
Inspect device security
Charging the e355
Turning it on and off
Connect to your network
Board the terminal
Use the Admin menu
View device info
Attach and use the e355 frame
Attach a tablet to the frame
Attach the e355 to the frame
Remove a tablet from the frame
Remove the e355 from the frame
Connect the e355 frame to a power source
Make a payment over Bluetooth
Step 1- Clean the Bluetooth configuration
Step 2 - Pair the e355 with a mobile device
Step 3 - Start a transaction
Remove configuration and reboard
Troubleshoot the Bluetooth connection
Understand the LED colors
Troubleshooting and support
MX925 user manual
Inspect device security
Board the terminal
Use the Admin menu
View device info
Troubleshooting and support
VX675 user manual
Inspect device security
Turning it on and off
Connect to your network
Install or replace paper rolls
Board the terminal
Use the Admin menu
View device info
Make special payments
Print transaction totals
Perform a Refund
Troubleshooting and support
VX680 user manual
Inspect device security
Charging the VX680
Turning it on and off
Install or replace paper rolls
Connect to your network
Board the terminal
Use the Admin menu
View device info
Make special payments
Perform a Refund
Print transaction totals
Troubleshooting and support
VX690 user manual
Inspect device security
Install or replace paper rolls
Connect to your network
Board the terminal
Connect to a base station with Bluetooth
Understand the Bluetooth base station LED colors
Use the Admin menu
View device info
Make special payments
Perform a Refund
Print transaction totals
Troubleshooting and support
VX820 user manual
Inspect device security
Board the terminal
Use the Admin menu
View device info
Troubleshooting and support
VX820 Duet user manual
Inspect device security
Install or replace paper rolls
Board the terminal
Use the Admin menu
View device info
Make special payments
Perform a Refund
Print transaction totals
Troubleshooting and support
Android terminals
App requirements
Deploy apps to your terminals
Upload apps and certificates
Schedule deployment
Deploy using profiles
Barcode scanning
Gerenciando terminais
Encomendar e retornar terminais
Inspeção de segurança no terminal
Atribuir terminais
Ative o terminal
Configurações de recibo e terminal
Manage battery power
Maintain performance
Use the menus
Automate terminal management
Order terminals
Assign terminals
Classic assign terminals
Configure terminals
Schedule terminal actions
Solução de problemas
Execute testes de conexão
Run hardware tests
Mobile integration
Tap to Pay and card reader
Tap to Pay on iPhone
Get an entitlement
Add the iOS SDK
Make transactions
Follow UI guidelines
Advanced flows
Tax-free shopping
Tap to Pay on Android
Add the Android SDK
Make transactions
Follow guidelines
Advanced flows
Tax-free shopping
Card reader - iOS
Add the iOS SDK
Make transactions
Make offline payments
Manage payment devices
Advanced flows
Tax-free shopping
Card reader - Android
Add the Android SDK
Manage payment devices
Make transactions
Advanced flows
Tax-free shopping
Payments app - Android
Release notes
Atualizando para uma nova release
Manually schedule updates
Release notes
Integrações clássicas
Deprecation of classic libraries
Melhores Práticas
Get started
Account structure
Marketplace account structure
Financial products
Legal entity management
Integration checklist
Release notes
Manage access for your team
Manage users
User roles
Multifactor authentication
API credentials for Balance Platform
Roles for API credentials
Set up webhooks
Webhook structure
Webhook types
Manage webhooks
Onboard and verify users
Onboard users
Onboarding steps
Onboarding versions
Onboarding v4
LEM API changelog
Terms of Service
Customize and test hosted onboarding
Onboarding components
Individual legal entity components
Transfer instrument components
Terms of Service components
Verification process
Verification types
User capabilities
Periodic data reviews
Determine verification requirements
Data formats per country/region
Requirements for document uploads
Reference for additional capabilities
Verification codes
Remediating action codes
General error codes
Suberror codes
Test verification/KYC scenarios
Manage resources
Manage legal entities
Manage account holders
Manage balance accounts
Process payments
Process payments
Checkout components
Payment methods
Split transactions
Split payments at authorization
Split payments at capture
Split refunds
Split chargebacks
Transaction fees
Currency conversion
Fix cost in settlement currency
Fix cost in processing currency
Book the remainder to the customer
Book the remainder to your user
Book the remainder to your platform
Settle funds
Sales day settlement
Pass-through settlement
Transfer funds
Pay out to your users
Pay out on a schedule
Pay out on demand
Transfer routes
Transfer funds internally
Transfer funds on a schedule
Transfer funds on demand
Return transferred funds
Top up balance accounts
Top up on a schedule
Top up on demand
Approve or cancel transfers
Track transactions
Transaction webhooks
View transfer details
Identify and mitigate risk
Manage account holder risk
Configure webhooks for risk signals
Reports and reconciliation
Reports and fee types
Accounting report
Balance report
Statement report
Payout report
Fee report
Prepare the reports
Get platform reports
Common reconciliation processes
Reconcile payments
Verify balances
Reconcile fund transfers
Reconcile fees
Provide tax forms (US only)
Register consent for paperless delivery of tax forms (US only)
Build user dashboards
Transaction components
Payout components
Reports component
Financial products
Business accounts
Create a business account
Implement SCA
Install the Authentication SDK
Register a device
Manage registered devices
SCA for funds transfers
SCA for transaction history
Receive and send funds
Transfer routes
Approve or cancel transfers
View transfer details
Transfer funds internally
Use transaction rules
Create and manage rules
Track transactions
Transaction webhooks
Open banking
Manage consent
AISP endpoints
PISP endpoints
PIISP endpoints
Capital components
Integration steps
Compliance guidelines
User application and interface
Additional UI requirements for Capital
Account statements
Marketing and communication
Customer service and support
Customer complaints
Pricing and eligibility
Reporting to Adyen
Keeping records
Get started
Account structures and resources
Platform account structure
Financial products
Legal entity management
Integration checklist
Quickstart guide
Onboarding and verification
Customer Area
Release notes
Manage access for your team
Manage users
User roles
Multifactor authentication
API credentials for Balance Platform
Roles for API credentials
Set up webhooks
Webhook structure
Webhook types
Manage webhooks
Onboard and verify users
Onboard users
Onboarding steps
Onboarding versions
Onboarding v4
LEM API changelog
Card data security compliance
Terms of Service
Customize and test hosted onboarding
Onboarding components
Transfer instrument components
Verification process
Verification types
User capabilities
Periodic data reviews
Determine verification requirements
Data formats per country/region
Requirements for document uploads
Onboarding guidelines
Reference for additional capabilities
Verification codes
Remediating action codes
General error codes
Suberror codes
Test verification/KYC scenarios
Manage resources
Manage legal entities
Manage account holders
Manage balance accounts
Manage stores
Process payments
Process payments
Payment methods
Online payments
Checkout components
Payment facilitators
Split transactions
Split payments at authorization
Split payments at capture
Split refunds
Split chargebacks
Transaction fees
Currency conversion
Fix cost in settlement currency
Fix cost in processing currency
Book the remainder to the customer
Book the remainder to your user
Book the remainder to your platform
In-person payments
Split transactions
Split payments at authorization
Split payments at capture
Split refunds
Transaction fees
Split payments automatically
Create split configuration profiles
Manage split configuration profiles
Settle funds
Sales day settlement
Pass-through settlement
Transfer funds
Pay out to your users
Pay out on a schedule
Pay out on demand
Transfer routes
Transfer funds internally
Transfer funds on a schedule
Transfer funds on demand
Return transferred funds
Top up balance accounts
Top up on a schedule
Top up on demand
Approve or cancel transfers
Track transactions
Transaction webhooks
View transfer details
Identify and mitigate risk
Manage account holder risk
Configure webhooks for risk signals
Reports and reconciliation
Reports and fee types
Accounting report
Balance report
Statement report
Payout report
Fee report
Prepare the reports
Get platform reports
Common reconciliation processes
Reconcile payments
Verify balances
Reconcile fund transfers
Reconcile fees
Provide tax forms (US only)
Register consent for paperless delivery of tax forms (US only)
Build user dashboards
Transaction components
Payout components
Reports component
Financial products
Business accounts
Create a business account
Implement SCA
Install the Authentication SDK
Register a device
Manage registered devices
SCA for funds transfers
SCA for transaction history
Receive and send funds
Transfer routes
Approve or cancel transfers
View transfer details
Transfer funds internally
Use transaction rules
Create and manage rules
Track transactions
Transaction webhooks
Open banking
Manage consent
AISP endpoints
PISP endpoints
PIISP endpoints
Capital components
Integration steps
Compliance guidelines
User application and interface
Additional UI requirements for Capital
Account statements
Marketing and communication
Customer service and support
Customer complaints
Pricing and eligibility
Reporting to Adyen
Keeping records
Building a plugin
Release notes
Built by Adyen
Adobe Commerce
Supported payment methods